This page includes miscellaneous plants found in the grasslands areas of the Assiniboine Forest. See also Grasses & Such, Wildflowers, Weeds.
Bold Italic headings indicate species not listed on the Habitat Site Report.
Red Clover
White Clover
Alsike Clover
Purple Prairie Clover
White Sweet Clover
Yellow Sweet Clover
Black Medick
White Clover
Alsike Clover
Purple Prairie Clover
White Sweet Clover
Yellow Sweet Clover
Black Medick
Other Prairie Species
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The hairy leaves of Red Clover plants
White Clover
Trifolium repensIntroduced Perennial
White Clover, hanging in there in autumn
Purple Prairie Clover
Petalostemon purpureumNative Perennial
White Sweet Clover
Melilotus albaIntroduced Perennial, also known as Honey Clover, Sweet Clover
Yellow Sweet Clover
Melilotus officinalisIntroduced Perennial, also known as Common Melilot, Yellow Melilot, Ribbed Melilot
Black Medick
Medicago lupulinaIntroduced Annual or Short-Lived Perennial, also known as Hop Clover, Nonesuch
Black Medick is a type of clover with a very small
Medicago sativaIntroduced Perennial, also known as Lucerne
The Assiniboine Forest features four types of thistle: Canada, Field, Flodman's, and Swamp. Most thistles in the forest are probably Canada Thistle.
Canada Thistle
Cirsium arvenseIntroduced Perennial, also known as Creeping Thistle, Field Thistle, Prickly Thistle
Insect Stem Gall on Canada Thistle
Late Goldenrod
Solidago giganteaNative Perennial, also known as Tall Goldenrod, Giant Goldenrod
Native Perennial, also known as Golden Zizia
Artemisia absinthium
Introduced Perennial, also known as Absinthe Wormwood, Giant Wormwood, Mugwort
Absinthe is a type of Wormwood. For other Wormwoods, see the Weeds page.
Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis
Native Perennial, also known as Wooly Yarrow, Devil's Nettle, Sanguinary, Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort
The feathery leaves of a young Common Yarrow