Grasslike Plants in the Assiniboine Forest

The Habitat Site Report lists about 45 species of Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes. On this page, I'm listing them by their common names. In reality, some plants that are commonly called grasses, sedges, or rushes are technically one of the other. 

Identifying grass-like plants is difficult without inspecting their stems and other features closely.  But without removing samples from the forest, that would involve a lot of bending down, and even more attempting to get up. My identifications to date are strictly visual, and the classifications I use below are my own.  

Bold Italic headings indicate species not listed on the Habitat Site Report.

Grasses with Grainy Seeds
Grasses with Fine Seeds
Grasses with Bushy Seedheads
Grasses with Hairy Seedheads
Cat-Tails and Rushes

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Grasses with Grainy Seeds

Big Bluestem

Smooth Brome

Bromus inermis
Introduced Rhizomatous Perennial

Common Reed Grass

Phragmites australis

Prairie Panic-Grass

Panicum leibergii
Native Perennial, also known as Lieberg's Panic-Grass, Rosette Grass

Grasses with Fine Seeds


Panicum virgatum
Native Perennial Bunchgrass, also known as Tall Panic Grass, Tall Prairiegrass, Wobsqua Grass, Blackbent, Wild Redtop, Thatchgrass

Fowl Bluegrass

Poa palustris
Native, also known as Fowl Meadowgrass, Swamp Meadowgrass, Woodland Bluegrass



Kentucky Bluegrass

Poa pratensis
Introduced Perennial, also known as Smooth Meadowgrass, Common Meadowgrass

Grasses with Bushy Seedheads


Phleum pratense
Introduced Perennial, also known as Meadow Cat's Tail, Common Cat's Tail

Common Velvetgrass

Holcus lanatus
Introduced Perennial, also known as Tufted Grass, Meadow Soft Grass

Marsh Reed Grass

Calamagrostis canadensis
Native Perennial, also known as Bluejoint, Bluejoint Reedgrass, Marsh Reedgrass, Canadian Reedgrass, Meadow Pinegrass

Yellow Foxtail

Setaria pumila
Introduced, also known as Bristle Grass, Pigeon Grass, Cattail Grass

Barnyard Grass

Echinochloa crusgalli
Introduced, also known as Cockspur, Barnyard Millet, Water Grass

Prairie Cordgrass

Spartina pectinata
Native, also known as Freshwater Cordgrass, Tall Marshgrass, and Sloughgrass

Grasses with Hairy Seedheads 

Canada Wild Rye

Elymus canadensis
Native Perennial Bunchgrass

Foxtail Barley

Hordeum jubatum
Native Perennial, also known as Bobtail Barley, Squirreltail Barley, Intermediate Barley


Common Wild Oats

Avena fatua

Sideoats Grama

Bouteloua curtipendula
Native Perennial

Technically, this is not a true species of oats.

Cat-Tails and Rushes

Common Cat-Tail

Typha latifolia
Native Perennial, also known as Broadleaf Cattail, Bulrush, Common Bulrush, Cat-o'-Nine-Tails, Cooper's Reed

In this photo, the male flower head is at the top of the stalk, and the female flower head is below it.


Hard-Stemmed Bulrush

Scirpus acutus OR Schoenoplectus acutus
Native, also known as Common Tule, Hardstem Tule, Tule Rush, Viscid Bulrush

Grassleaf Rush

Juncus marginatus
Native, also known as Shore Rush, Margined Rush

Grassleaf (Shore) Rush is not a water plant, but can be found in amongst grasses.  There also exists a very similar-looking species called Saltmeadow Rush, but visual identification points towards this specimen being Grassleaf.