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Index of Assiniboine Forest Plants by Common Name
These are the plants that I've located and photographed in the Assiniboine Forest (and along the Harte Trail from Shaftesbury to the Perimeter), listed by Common Name, and with links to the photo pages. Common Names and Botanical Names are usually taken from the City of Winnipeg's Habitat Site Report for the Assiniboine Forest. I sometimes use a Common Name different from the one used in the report.
Bold text means that the plant is a new find (not in the Habitat Site Report). The Habitat Site Report does not include Fungi, Molds, Lichens, Mosses, or Liverworts.
Absinthe | Artemisia absinthium | Prairie Floor |
Agrimony, Common (Sticklewort) | Agrimonia eupatoria | Weeds |
Alexanders, Golden | Zizia aurea | Prairie Floor |
Alfalfa | Medicago sativa | Prairie Floor |
Anemone, Canada | Anemone canadensis | Wildflowers |
Anemone, Cut-Leaved | Anemone multifida | Wildflowers |
Arrowwood, Downy | Viburnum rafinesquianum | Shrubs & Berries |
Artist's Bracket | Ganoderma applanatum | Fungi & Molds |
Ash, Green | Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Trees |
Aspen Bracket | Phellinus tremulae | Fungi & Molds |
Aspen, Trembling | Populus tremuloides | Trees |
Aster, Bigleaf | Eurybia macrophylla | Wildflowers |
Aster, Heath | Aster ericoides | Wildflowers |
Aster, Lance-Leaved | Symphyotrichum lanceolatum | Wildflowers |
Aster, Lindley's | Symphyotrichum ciliolatum | Wildflowers |
Aster, Smooth Blue | Symphyotrichum laeve | Wildflowers |
Avens, Large-Leafed | Geum macrophyllum | Forest Floor |
Avens, Three-Flowered | Geum triflorum | Wildflowers |
Baneberry, Red | Actaea rubra | Forest Floor |
Baneberry, White | Actaea pachypoda | Forest Floor |
Bedstraw, Fragrant | Galium triflorum | Forest Floor |
Bedstraw, Northern | Galium boreale | Forest Floor |
Beggarticks, Common | Bidens frondosa | Wildflowers |
Beggarticks, Nodding | Bidens cernua | Wildflowers |
Bellflower, Creeping | Campanula rapunculoides | Wildflowers |
Bellflower, Marsh | Campanula aparinoides | Wetland Plants |
Bergamot, Wild | Monarda fistulosa | Wildflowers |
Big Bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | Grasses & Such |
Bindweed, Hedge (Wild Morning Glory) | Convolvulus sepium | Climbers & Creepers |
Black Canker | Ceratocystis fimbriata | Fungi & Molds |
Black Knot | Apiosporina morbosa | Fungi & Molds |
Black-Eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | Wildflowers |
Blazing Star, Meadow | Liatris ligulistylis | Wildflowers |
Brome, Smooth | Bromus inermis | Grasses & Such |
Brown-Eyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba | Wildflowers |
Buckthorn, Common | Rhamnus cathartica | Shrubs & Berries |
Bulrush, Hard-Stemmed | Scirpus acutus | Grasses & Such |
Burdock, Common | Arctium lappa | Weeds |
Buttercup, Macoun's | Ranunculus macounii | Wildflowers |
Cat-Tail, Common | Typha latifolia | Grasses & Such |
Chamomile, Scentless | Matricaria maritima | Wildflowers |
Choke Cherry | Prunus virginiana | Shrubs & Berries |
Clover, Alsike | Trifolium hybridum | Prairie Floor |
Clover, Purple Prairie | Petalostemon purpureum | Prairie Floor |
Clover, Red | Trifolium pratense | Prairie Floor |
Clover, White | Trifolium repens | Prairie Floor |
Clover, White Sweet | Melilotus alba | Prairie Floor |
Clover, Yellow Sweet | Melilotus officinalis | Prairie Floor |
Colt's Foot, Arrow-Leaved (Butterbur) | Petasites sagittatus | Wildflowers |
Coneflower, Upright Prairie | Ratibida columnifera | Wildflowers |
Costmary | Tanacetum balsamita | Weeds |
Crabapple, Mid-Sized | Malus spp. | Shrubs & Berries |
Crabapple, Small | Malus spp. | Shrubs & Berries |
Cranberry, High Bush | Viburnum opulus var. americanum | Shrubs & Berries |
Cucumber, Wild | Echinocystis lobata | Climbers & Creepers |
Dandelion | Taraxacum officinale | Weeds |
Dewberry | Rubus pubescens | Forest Floor |
Dock, Curly | Rumex crispus | Weeds |
Dock, Golden | Rumex maritimus | Weeds |
Dogbane, Spreading | Apocynum androsaemifolium | Shrubs & Berries |
Dogwood, Red Osier | Cornus stolonifera | Shrubs & Berries |
Elm, American | Ulmus americana | Trees |
Elm, Siberian | Ulmus pumila | Shrubs & Berries |
Fennel, Sweet | Foeniculum vulgare | Weeds |
Fleabane, Daisy | Erigeron strigosus | Wildflowers |
Fleabane, Northern Daisy | Erigeron acris | Wildflowers |
Fleabane, Smooth | rigeron glabellus | Wildflowers |
Fly Agaric | Amanita muscaria var. formosa | Fungi & Molds |
Forget-Me-Not, Bur | Lappula squarrosa | Weeds |
Foxtail Barley | Hordeum jubatum | Grasses & Such |
Foxtail, Yellow | Setaria pumila | Grasses & Such |
Fragrant Bracket | Trametes suaveolens | Fungi & Molds |
Gentian, Blue (Bottle Gentian) | Gentiana andrewsii | Wildflowers |
Goat's-Beard, Yellow | Tragopogon dubius | Weeds |
Goldenrod, Canada | Solidago canadensis | Prairie Floor |
Goldenrod, Late | Solidago gigantea | Prairie Floor |
Goldenrod, Stiff | Solidago rigida | Prairie Floor |
Gooseberry, Canadian | Ribes oxyacanthoides | Forest Floor |
Gooseberry, Low | Ribes hirtellum | Forest Floor |
Grape, Fox | Vitis vulpina | Climbers & Creepers |
Grape, Summer | Vitis aestivalis | Climbers & Creepers |
Grass, Barnyard | Echinochloa crusgalli | Grasses & Such |
Grass, Blue-Eyed | Sisyrinchium montanum | Wildflowers |
Grass, Fowl Blue | Poa palustris | Grasses & Such |
Grass, Marsh Reed | Calamagrostis canadensis | Grasses & Such |
Grass, Prairie Cord | Spartina pectinata | Grasses & Such |
Grass, Prairie Panic- | Panicum leibergii | Grasses & Such |
Gumweed, Curly-Top | Grindelia squarrosa | Weeds |
Hawks-Beard, Scapose | Crepis runcinata | Weeds |
Hawkweed, Narrow-Leaf | Hieracium umbellatum | Weeds |
Hawthorn, Long-Spined | Crataegus succulenta | Shrubs & Berries |
Hazelnut, American | Corylus americana | Shrubs & Berries |
Honeysuckle, Tartarian | Lonicera tatarica | Shrubs & Berries |
Honeysuckle, Twining | Lonicera dioica | Shrubs & Berries |
Horseradish | Cochlearia armoracia | Weeds |
Horsetail, Common | Equisetum arvense | Wetland Plants |
Horseweed | Erigeron canadensis | Weeds |
Hyssop, Giant Blue | Agastache foeniculum | Wildflowers |
Indian Hemp | Apocynum cannabinum | Shrubs & Berries |
Indian Pipe | Monotropa uniflora | Forest Floor |
Jelly Ear | Auricularia auricula-judae | Fungi & Molds |
Jerusalem Artichoke (Wild Sunflower) | Helianthus tuberosus | Wildflowers |
Juniper, Common | Juniperus communis | Shrubs & Berries |
Juniper, Eastern | Juniperus virginiana | Shrubs & Berries |
Kentucky Bluegrass | Poa pratensis | Grasses & Such |
Knotweed, Prostrate | Polygonum aviculare | Weeds |
Lady's Thumb | Polygonum maculosa | Wildflowers |
Lady's-Slipper, Yellow | Cypripedium calceolus | Wildflowers |
Leafy Spurge | Euphorbia esula | Wildflowers |
Lichen, Hoary Rosette | Physcia aipolia | Lichens |
Lichen, Mustard Powdered | Chrysothrix candelaris | Lichens |
Lichen, Pincushion Orange | Xanthoria polycarpa | Lichens |
Lichen, Powdered Orange | Oxneria fallax | Lichens |
Licorice, Wild (American) | Glycyrrhiza lepidota | Forest Floor |
Lily of the Valley, False | Maianthemum canadense | Forest Floor |
Liverwort, Ciliated | Ptilidium ciliare | Mosses |
Loosestrife, Purple | Lythrum salicaria | Wetland Plants |
Maple, Amur | Acer ginnala | Trees |
Maple, Manitoba (Box Elder) | Acer negundo | Trees |
Meadow-Rue, Purple-Leafed (Tall) | Thalictrum dasycarpum | Forest Floor |
Meadowsweet, Narrowleaf | Spiraea alba | Shrubs & Berries |
Medick, Black | Medicago lupulina | Prairie Floor |
Milkvetch, Ascending Purple | Astragalus adsurgens var. robustior | Climbers & Creepers |
Milkvetch, Canadian | Astragalus canadensis | Wildflowers |
Milkvetch, Purple | Astragalus agrestis | Wildflowers |
Milkweed, Common (Silky) | Asclepias syriaca | Wildflowers |
Milkweed, Dwarf | Asclepias ovalifolia | Wildflowers |
Mint, Field | Mentha arvensis | Prairie Floor |
Moss, Broom | Dicranum scoparium | Mosses |
Moss, Common Beaked | Eurhynchium pulchellum | Mosses |
Moss, Golden Ragged | Brchythecium salebrosum | Mosses |
Nannyberry | Viburnum lentago | Shrubs & Berries |
Nettle, Marsh Hedge | Stachys palustris | Wetland Plants |
Nettle, Stinging | Urtica dioica | Weeds |
Oak, Bur | Quercus macrocarpa | Trees |
Oats, Common Wild | Avena fatua | Grasses & Such |
Olive, Russian | Elaeagnus angustifolia | Trees |
Ox-eye | Heliopsis helianthoides | Wildflowers |
Pennycress, Field (Stinkweed) | Thlaspi arvense | Weeds |
Pincherry | Prunus pensylvanica | Shrubs & Berries |
Pineapple Weed | Matricaria matricarioides | Weeds |
Pink Slime Mold | Lycogola epidendrum | Fungi & Molds |
Plantain, Common | Plantago major | Weeds |
Plum, Canada | Prunus nigra | Shrubs & Berries |
Poison Ivy | Rhus radicans var. rydbergii | Forest Floor |
Purslane, Common | Portulaca oleracea | Weeds |
Pussytoes, Small-Leaf | Antennaria parvifolia | Climbers & Creepers |
Ragweed, Common | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | Weeds |
Raspberry, Wild Red | Rubus idaeus | Shrubs & Berries |
Grass, Common Reed | Phragmites australis | Grasses & Such |
Rose, Prickly | Rosa acicularis | Shrubs & Berries |
Rose, Smooth | Rosa blanda | Shrubs & Berries |
Rush, Grassleaf (Shore) | Juncus marginatus | Grasses & Such |
Rye, Canada Wild | Elymus canadensis | Grasses & Such |
Sage, Pasture | Artemisia frigida | Prairie Floor |
Sage, Prairie | Artemisia ludoviciana | Prairie Floor |
Sarsaparilla, Wild | Aralia nudicaulis | Forest Floor |
Saskatoon (Serviceberry) | Amelanchier alnifolia | Shrubs & Berries |
Shepherd's Purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris | Weeds |
Sideoats Grama | Bouteloua curtipendula | Grasses & Such |
Silverweed | Potentilla anserina | Wildflowers |
Snakeroot, Seneca | Polygala senega | Wildflowers |
Snowberry, Common | Symphoricarpos albus | Shrubs & Berries |
Solomon's Seal, Star-Flowered | Smilacina stellata | Forest Floor |
Sow-Thistle, Perennial | Sonchus arvensis | Weeds |
Spruce, White | Picea glauca | Trees |
Stinkhorn, Common | Phallus impudicus | Fungi & Molds |
Strawberry, Wild | Fragaria virginiana (or vesca) | Forest Floor |
Sumpweed, Giant | Cyclachaena xanthiifolia | Weeds |
Sunflower, Narrow-Leaved | Helianthus maximiliani | Wildflowers |
Switchgrass | Panicum virgatum | Grasses & Such |
Tansy, Common | Tanacetum vulgare | Wildflowers |
Thistle, Canada | Cirsium arvense | Prairie Floor |
Thistle, Field | Cirsium discolor | Prairie Floor |
Timothy | Phleum pratense | Grasses & Such |
Toadflax, Bastard | Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata | Weeds |
Toadflax, Common (Butter & Eggs) | Linaria vulgaris | Wildflowers |
Trefoil, Birds-Foot | Lotus corniculatus | Wildflowers |
Velvetgrass, Common | Holcus lanatus | Grasses & Such |
Vetch, Tufted | Vicia cracca | Climbers & Creepers |
Vetchling, Pale (Cream-Coloured) | Lathyrus ochroleucus | Climbers & Creepers |
Violet, Northern Bog | Viola nephrophylla | Wildflowers |
Violet, Smooth (Downy)Yellow | Viola pubescens | Wildflowers |
Virginia Creeper | Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Climbers & Creepers |
Water Hemlock, Spotted | Cicuta maculata | Wetland Plants |
Water Parsnip | Sium suave | Wetland Plants |
Water Plantain | Alisma triviale | Wetland Plants |
Willow, Basket | Salix petiolaris | Trees |
Willow, Bebbs (Beaked) | Salix bebbiana | Trees |
Willow, Brittle | Salix fragilis | Trees |
Willow, Gray | Salix humilis | Trees |
Willow, Pussy | Salix discolor | Trees |
Willow, Sandbar | Salix exigua | Trees |
Willowherb, Marsh | Epilobium palustre | Wetland Plants |
Wintergreen, Pink | Pyrola asarifolia | Forest Floor |
White Wintergreen (Shinleaf) | Pyrola elliptica | Forest Floor |
Wormwood, Biennial | Artemisia biennis | Weeds |
Wormwood, Common | Artemisia vulgaris | Weeds |
Yarrow, Common (Wooly) | Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis | Prairie Floor |